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HF Radios

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Somebody had to start a thread on HF radios. lol

I've got a Codan HF NGT AR radio and love it.

Hooked up with VKS 737 and HF tel.

Thanks to the VKS bases in Meekatharra and Adelaide. Top service, top crew. I've been able to get through first time, every time.

Take care out there.




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I can't believe how expensive the codan units are.  Then you program a couple of frequencies into it, and you can't use anything else or tune around.  When I hit that money tree, I'm just going to get an amateur HF radio, and allow full slather TX (I'm aware where I can and can't TX).  This way I get maximum utility, maximum buttons to twiddle, and something a bit different.


One thing I've always planned is to make a tuned lenth longwire antenna as part of the kit.  I came across a rolled 4WD (a bit after the fact) and marvelled at the fact that they couldn't call for help, as the autotune antenna base had broken (and the car was upside down).  With a tuned lenght you can disconnect the HF whip, and roll the longwire out. Hey comms!

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