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2nd Battery location - In engine bay or in the rear?


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Hi everyone,

I have a 2011 3.0L Patrol & I have dual batteries. The 2nd battery Century N70T deep cycle is mounted in the engine bay on the passenger side with a arb tray behind the airfilter box. Currently using a Projecta isolator. Ive had this setup for 12months now & the 2nd battery is stuffed already. I really dont want to replace batteries every year.

So Im thinking of replacing my isolator with a Redarc DC to DC charger which will charge my batteries to it full capacity.

The location of the 2nd Battery is not the greatest as its next to the turbo & exhaust manifold so there is alot of heat over that side of the engine bay which I think killed my deep cycle. So Im thinking of mounting the 2nd battery in a box in the back of the car & use a AGM battery. Alternative mount a Marine style battery in its current position in the enginebay but wrap the battery in some insulation.

Any ideas on this? Im liking the battery in the back idea but I suppose the only downside is it adds to the already crowded rear of the car, also the extra 30kgs for the battery in the back

Any help would be good.

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Engine heat is a killer for any battery, have a look at OEM setup it has nice cooling duct. I'm on my second aux battery while still have the factory original going although only just.

Heat proofing and cooling would be good thing and it will also solve the space issue in the back.

AGM batteries are very heat sensitive and deep cycle units aren't that tolerant either, both have another issue and require special charging approach so a good quality charging controller is a must.

I'll be honest I wouldn't mount a second battery in the back, may be a third one lol, but space is at the premium also the distance and cabling is another issue.

Another way would be to have a portable deep cycle unit and removable when not in use with slow trickle charge via solar or mains.


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