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Power wires through firewall on gu td42 2000.


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Where is the easiest spot to run Power wires through firewall on gu td42 2000. I cant find any rubber bungs etc to go through.
I want to run wires fro a projector dual battery monitor to the batteries and also want to run a power wire back to the rear of the wagon to use for fridge etc.

Any help appreicated

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On my 99 TD42 I have a rubber bung on the firewall below the difflock solenoid, where the wheel arch basically meets the firewall in the engine bay. I have my EGT wires running through there into the cab. There is also another below the clutch booster if I remember correctly. Its a mission to get to the other end of the wires when you push them through.... you got to have fingers like a gynie.....hahaha

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