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Privacy Rules


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Yesterday I received a phone call from someone asking for my wife. I said that she's away for a few weeks and said may I ask who's calling, so that I can let her know you called. The response that I received was 'I'm afraid I can't reveal that due to privacy laws.' WTF? What have privacy laws got to do with saying who is calling? The world is just going completely insane. :angry:



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I stopped identifying myself when receiving calls years ago. Rude b@stards! "hello", "Is Mr. twisty there?", "who's calling please", "i'm calling for Mr. twisty", "I know, who are you?", "I will identify myself to Mr twisty, is he there?", "you called a private number, who are you?", and so on. Entertainment for a short time only.

oh ... and I had one of those scam calls telling me they could fix my windowzz operating system. Now that was fun! Had them on the phone for half an hour pretending to do all they asked. Pretended something went wrong and had a "supervisor" call back to "fix" the "problem". Another 15 minutes of fun before they realised what I was doing. "click". ahh ... memories.

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I love when the bank hounds me from a private number to advertise insurance or give me a credit card, they ring me up and the first thing they do is ask me to identify myself, I always tell them that their phone call is unsolicited, and They have rung me. I told them if they called me again asking dumbass questions advertising life insurance etc I would leave the bank!

Commbank are one customer down as of about 2years ago, I was asked by my new bank why I swapped when I did, I told them..... I havnt got so much as a single call since. It's bliss.

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This is a bad one to start me on, sends me over the edge at the thought of it.

Whenever i get the " Privacy " thing, I give them heaps.

Like Ray I get calls for my wife. when I ask what it is relation to I get the privacy crap. Then they ask me if she has a mobile and what the number is of if she can be rung at work. When I say yes and they ask for the number, I say sorry, that's private.

Amazing how many get upset at that. I tell them, If telling me why you are ringing is private, how the hell can you think giving out her number to someone I don't know can't be.?

Then they will ask what time she gets home. I tell them that is private too.

I too have people ringing and wanting my DOB and address etc and I refuse to give it. I tell them with that info you can steal my identity and cause me grief and I'm not giving it out. If it's the bank or someone I tell them you obviously have all my details, you tell me what you have and I'll tell you if it's right. They don't like that either. I tell them, you have rung my home number, who the hell do you think would be answering the phone in my own home and identifying themselves as me if they weren't?


I also get infuriated when they wont discuss something with my wife because an account is in my name. I don't have the paticence to deal with these twits passing me from one department to the next and giving me thier sanctamonious customer service crap dialouge like I'm an idiot.

I can be sitting beside her when she makes the call and tell them work this out with her because I don't understand and they still argue. I had one the other day, Optus I think it was and after telling them she looks after this bill and pays it on her CC so I have no clue, they still didn't want to talk to her.

I said you go find a supervisor and tell them I said you either talk to my wife about it or the next thing you hear will be me cancelling all my accounts with you. Supervisor wanted to speak to me and gave me the privacy crap and I said hang on a minute, You are interefering with my private matters. Not up to you to decide whom I elect to manage my affairs, it's up to me. Butt out of my business and telling me what to do, that's not your place.

In the end he agreed to talk to the Mrs this one time but couldn't do it again. I told him, You mark it on my accounts that anyone that rings has to talk to her and if they don't I will close my accounts with you.

Gives me the Chits right and proper.

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Yeah, I've been through the same crap with having to talk to the account owner. They wouldn't have a clue who is actually on the other end of the line, but are happy if they hear a male/female voice depending on which one is required. On one occasion, my wife simply called to query how a bill had been read and they couldn't provide an answer due to privacy regulations. What a load of crap.



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