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XROX bar on a GUIV?

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Just wondering if anyone has a picture of an XROX bar on a GUIV or later Patrol? They look pretty good on the I, II, III series, but not so sure they look any good on the GUIV as per the picture on Opposite Lock's website.

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That's alright mate, I've been reading the insurance PDSs and some legislation and one thing that I noticed is that the insurance company cannot refuse your claim for having an unroadworthy vehicle if the item that causes your car to be unroadworthy didn't contribute to the claim. I'm not sure how it is possible for a non airbag compliant bullbar to contribute to a claim. An airbag always goes of as a result of an incident and therefore is a supplimentary support and cannot contribute. It's kind of like not having working window winders, not likely to contribute to an incident but is unroadworthy. Might have a chat to Millweld and see if they can custom fab up a different hoop design.

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Russ, they are pretty good, but they don't really seem up to the task for me. No highmount, flimsy tubed wings that bolt on. There is an improvement in approach angle but I don't think its significant enough over my standard bar. Plus, I'm not really conviced of the look on a GUIV from the few photos I have seen on the Opposite Lock website.

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Completely agree with you I would never put one on my car for the exact same reasons I see them more of a poser bar than a functional bar. I'm just surprised at the amount of people out there that think they arent compliant (customers).

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Don't know about the 'poser' part, have had one fitted to my gu since they came out, handles winching duties as well as recovery points straight off the box section and hasn't bent from roo strike or leaning up against trees plus has an excellent approach angle. Just my 2cents. Cheers.

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When I talk about poser bars I refer to the people that come in to work and have them installed. out of the ones I've fitted, 1 has gone on a patrol and one on an 80 series cruiser the rest have gone on things like BT 50s and Ford Rangers and whilst these models of vehicles can certainly hold their own you can tell just by speaking to the owners that they will never go off road. We sent one customer off because we needed to get an offset hawse fair lead, we didn't wire it up so he wouldn't be tempted to use it. When he was told his reply was no matter it will never get used I just want it to look tough. His reasoning behind the bar was so he could hang spots off every point he could.

Unfortunately being in the 4wd game we see 100 dreamers to every 20 wannabes and then there will be 2 or 3 guys who actually come in and set their car up for their style of driving.

You would laugh your arse off if you saw the guys who come in keen as mud and want everything until you give them the price, they normally leave pretty quietly.

So wasn't having a dig just my opinion

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Heyhey all good, not trying to sell any one on the Xrox , the poser tag didn't sit well with me and I got all defensive. Ha ha, plenty of good bars out there to choose from, that's one of the good things about owning a patrol spoiled for choice! Cheers.

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