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Bored on the weekends


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As above im getting bored shitless on the weekends.

Trying to get the missus out is hard yakka sometimes, then we need the van, which i then prefer a long weekend, but shes got this stupid f@rkin poodle with diabetes that needs a shot twice a day!!

And im sick of it and sittin around waiting for it to bloody die! Its 16 years old now at least, ive hated its guts ever since the day it walked in to our house, i took it back to the owners a few times and it kept coming back to our place so my silly wife fell in love with it (14 years ago), i shoulda took it to the pound straight away, its caused us a lot of hassles going camping/holidaying etc over the years!

So ive decided now to just pack my swag and some basic shit and piss off on my own on the weekends, unless i can drag my 18 yo son out, hes a lazy negative shit (but i still love him).

On top of that im gunna start dragging the boat out early satdy mornings for a fish and get the quad out to some of the parks for a bash too, i might even get the young bloke a quad and see if i can get him off the computer, thatl be hard work.

I've got one or 2 mates im sure would be keen to get away for a blast or fish as well.

Anyway, just had to get that off my chest because ive been getting a bit negative and depressed lately so i thought just being more spontaneous might cheer me up a bit!


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My missus' dog is an 18 year old barkin fark in chawowa which I can't stand, it stands at the door and barks and barks so u feed it and then it barks and barks so I close the blind and get in trouble for doing that and it barks and barks but she loves it grrrrr they are weekend ruiners hey, fortunately it's 18 :)

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Trying to get the missus out is hard yakka sometimes, then we need the van, which i then prefer a long weekend, but shes got this stupid f@rkin poodle with diabetes that needs a shot twice a day!!

And im sick of it and sittin around waiting for it to bloody die! Its 16 years old now at least, ive hated its guts ever since the day it walked in to our house, i took it back to the owners a few times and it kept coming back to our place so my silly wife fell in love with it (14 years ago), i shoulda took it to the pound straight away, its caused us a lot of hassles going camping/holidaying etc over the years!

Find a diabetic and ask them for some of their Dimicron, Januiva or Diabex.

Grind one up, put it in the dogs food, it'll have a hypo ( drop it's blood sugar through the floor) when the wife gives the thing its shot and that will be it.

Make sure there are no jelly beans, chocolate or other sweet stuff around the Mrs can give the thing to revive it. Do it at dinner time and the thing will go to have a lie down and never get up again.

Chihuahua's I have never understood. You wouldn't have a rat runing round the joint as a pet, why have one of these things?

I had a client bring one here one time. My big cat stalked the thing, pounced on it and was going for the kill.

No question what it thought the thing was.

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Unfortunately i believe in karma, i guarantee if i did something to that life sucking thing id suffer some other way, i know it sounds stupid but.

It should be dead in a few years tops, surely!

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Unfortunately i believe in karma, i guarantee if i did something to that life sucking thing id suffer some other way, i know it sounds stupid but.

Nah, When push came to shove i'd probably be the same way.

I believe in Karma as well. Every time I get my doubts, I hear of something I have had first hand experience with that fully restores my absoloute belief.

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Know the feeling mate, I got two issues to deal with at the moment. Old dog and no 4wd :(

We cant even head down to our holiday house because the dog wont travel and the missus wont leave her behind, even if someone can drop in to feed her.

I just drag the missus and little tacker out for day trips, like today for example went for a drive out to a large waterfall. You will be surprised what you can find in the local area when you cant do overnight trips.

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I know how u feel, my missus life revolves around this bloody dog, its absolutely farking ridiculous, thats why im just pissing off without her now, and she wont be happy!

Not having a 4by makes it doubly hard for you, no good.

Im looking forward to not having to pack loads of shit, just a couple of simple things, i picked up a cheap swag for $40 at a garage sale last week, now i get to use it!

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I know how u feel, my missus life revolves around this bloody dog, its absolutely farking ridiculous, thats why im just pissing off without her now, and she wont be happy!

....But then again, Maybe karma is the dog does meet an early demise for the annoyance and stress it is causing which is detrimental to your quality of life.

I love animals but there is a line to what you put up with from them.

I had a cat I loved. Dam thing wouldn't stop pissing everywhere though. Ruined a good TV, a computer, expensive UPS and other things. I might have tolerated it if it just pissed in the corner on the floor or something but getting up on things was too much. Nothing was safe.

I miss the bugger but I couldn't put up with it's filthy habits so he had to go.

I still look at pics and it pulls the heart strings but the immieadiate memory of the place stinking and turning on things that would start spitting and sparking before emitting an odour that was overpowering soon justifies any doubts I had about getting rid of him.

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It's no good just disposing of the dog, she'll just get upset and get another, meaning that you will suffer the same fate for the rest of your days together.

What you really need to do is start a campaign to cause her to hate the dog with such passion that you will be the one who looks to be doing the only compassionate thing by taking it to the vet for sleepy time.

The dog has to start to become unbearable, so what does she hold dear?

Time for a chewed and shredded wedding photo album, or maybe dog turd diarrhea on the doona or the couch or both!!!

The options are endless, but don't let up until she is begging you to get rid of the damn thing, you owe it to husbands everywhere to win this one!

p.s. don't get caught...

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