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Help... Tablet pc


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Would like to get the Missis a tablet pc, but not a I pad.. We both have I phones but a windows desktop cp..

I found this very reasonable priced one




Is it a good entry level unit for travel?

How hard is android to use? Or can it be switched to a windows based system?

Any help is appreciated because technology and me is... Well... HELP.. Lol


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7" is small, standard is around 10". I just bought a 10" Android tablet, and I have now come to loathe (opposite to love) Android. It is conveluded for no reason. I'ld be willing to bet it is not exactly as it is made out to be, the battery will be a POS and won't last an hour, it'll have a rubbish version of the Android OS (2.1 I see, not so good), it'll most likely be very slow, speakers may be rubbish, no GPS even though it says it can run maps (can run the map, not show your location). It's cheap enough for the risk, but I spent a little more and managed to get a Flytouch 5 that has much more (twice the processor, very new OS, GPS, 10" screen, etc) and if I was an Android user, I'ld probably appreciate it, but for me there is no substitue for Mac (calling all Ray's :D).

I'm not saying that you need to get an iPad, just saying I don't like the looks of those specs (or lack there of).

Edited by heyhey
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Chinese knock off, but looks pretty good as long as Windows is authetic and you don't need to buy a licence for it when you connect to the internet. I'ld be considering one of those for Navigation in the car! Nice screen size for dash mounting ;)

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hey mate, i bought a motorola xoom10" tablet a few months back and have had no issue...... built in camera, gps and i also get around 8 hours of continuos use out of the battery.

the missus got given an ipad2 from work........ she hates it, shes never used an android system before i got mine and she finds it easier to use.

but as with everything, everyone has their own opinions, you just gotta try it before you make the decision

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It depends what your budget is. Surely you can't complain that $49 el cheapo tablet doesn't perform the way you might be expecting (that is as your full size laptop with i5 processor and 8 GB RAM....does.) It will not run MS® ware for sure.

Comparing it with Apples (pun intended) is also silly. These things (tablets) are gimmicks the same as the netbooks were a few years before all the rage. There is nothing wrong with Android OS and indeed is pretty much easy to use. The second link is essentially a netbook in the tablet packaging with familiar operating system but still nothing spectacular. As long as this is just going to complement your existing computer/s none of these unit will actually replace the full blown laptop/PC/Mac. Keep that in mind when choosing.


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Mate if you have iPhones and are happy with them jump at an iPad I've just ordered a new iPad 32gb with gps and next g. I went that way coz I too have an iPhone and can use I cloud for various apps. Not trying to push you that way but apple is an easy to use platform the can be made to suit what you want with the apps.

Just my 2 cents worth anyway.


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Thanks for the opinions guys.

I personally like apples layout, but hate the restricted interactivity between other things..

As for being small, I still have 20/20 vision so I feel 7' will be fine to start..

As noted before its $60... I think I might suck and see as it will just be to complement the pc.. And probably more onroad movies for the wife and kids..

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With the Pioneer unit, I'd check to see what you might need storage wise to do what you want. The standard 2GB won't allow you much spare room for anything, so you'll need to upgrade that at least. Most low end tablets come with at least 8GB and the top end 32GB. Also, it's not entirely clear how you expand what they call their SSD and what type it is. It also only has a micro-SD slot, which won't help you greatly with storage (I'm thinking about viewing movies etc). Also, the available RAM and processor speed may limit the enjoyment somewhat. It's cheap and chearful, but if you accept that, it's probably just a case of beer you've missed.



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If you're going to play with an nadroid device, make sure it has at least 768mb RAM, at least a 1Ghz processor, Android 4, a GPS built in, ability to run a 3G usb stick, and a leather pouch with keyboard. Grab a 32Gb microSD card as well, and you have a useable device. Bluetooth seems to be missing from most of these devices, but would be a desirable feature to have.

A 10" one for around $250-$300 with the above specs would provide the ability to pad around the house, in the bedroom, loungeroom, and back verandah........but when the novelty of all that has died away it can be mounted in the fourby for use as a music streamer (if you got one with bluetooth) or to run OZI (hence the GPS reqirement)

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