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A healthy Discovery.


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A while back I was channel surfing and saw a program called Fat sick and Nearly dead. http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/

Its about an over weight guy that goes on a health kick with " Juicing" and he and another guy in the show loose a PILE of weight just by drinking vegetable juice.

Theres no back end in this I can see unlike some weight loss programs that are trying to sell you food or pills or whatever,, the message is eat fresh, healthy food.

With the doctors on my back from all directions about being 120Kg and wanting me to loose weight, I thought I'd give this Juicing thing a go. In the film that's all they do, drink juice for every meal. The weight certainly falls off and the doctors are happy with the guys over all health levels but I knew giving up food wasn't going to work for me so I thought I'd try some meal replacements with the juice but still eating other meals.

AS those that have seriously tried would no, loosing weight is a bitch. I quickly discovered that having a nice fruit juice mix of say an apple orange, pear and pineapple was about as helpful with weight loss as a triple quarter pounder meal. There are a lot of calories in the fruit which can put the weight on when you thought you were doing the right thing.

As a result of learning this I went more to veggies and basicaly now juice everything I can lay my hands on. Beans seen to be something no one has ever heard of jucing before but they produce quite a good volume.

After a couple of weeks I was dissapointed and had only lost 1.5 KG. I felt like I was giving a LOT away though and should have lost a lot more. Clearly If I had juiced more and eat less I certainly would have.

The thing I did notice though was besides being a lardarse still, I was now a much more energetic lardarse. I felt heaps better in myself and didn't get as tired or as easily. Even the family noticed it asking what drugs I had been taking.

It occoured that even if the Juice was't helping me with the weight loss that much, it was sure helping with the way I felt and my overall disposition.

So for the last couple of months now I have become a regular at the fruit and veg shop which was a place I had never darkened the doorway before. I buy things like Bok Choy, Kale, carrots, celery, apples, oranges, pineapple and a bit of Ginger. Whatever is still in teh veggie crisper gets shredded to a pulp and drank.

Now I know all you blokes with a blokes taste and appetite like mine are thinking "WTF does that chit taste like?"

Well to be honest, it's pretty ordinary on it's own. I found though that the pineapple along with one other bit of fruit and a slice of ginger make it something pretty good. For me anyway.

I make about a litre of the stuff at a time and fill a tall glass with ice and pour it in. It's pretty bloody good although the pineapple and ginger make it all taste about the same no matter what you threw in that batch.

I'm not worried about that, I drink it to help fill me up a bit before meals and as a big vitamin pill.

The thing I only discoverd last week is that as well as feeling a lot better, I have now lost 5 Kg!

I put that down more to the fact I'm so much more inclined to get off my arse and do things. Work has been falt out and I have been dog tired doing it but I reckon I'd be dead if I hadn't been on the juice. On days where I have missed it for whatever reasons, it feels like my Diabetes is high again. a quick check shows that's not the case and I'm just vitamin deprived or whatever it is.

I also found out it's not a one shot thing. Miss a day and it takes a couple of days to catch up again. You can't have a glass of juice and fell like superman an hour later. Keep it up for 3 days and you'll get a lot closer though.

So anyway, I think there is something to this Juicing thing. It wasn't what I was expecting or looking for which is why I was initially impressed it wasn't a placebo effect. With a couple of months of doing it, I now know it's the real deal.

I always thought that these days people would get enough vitamins through what they ate even if it wasn't textbook health nut stuff but that dosen't seem to be the case with me at least.

For those that are struggling with working too hard or not eating right or are just feeling down and tired too often, I really suggest giving this a go. It's sure been a worthwhile discovery for me and not something I can see myself giving away anytime in the future.

Time to go make anther batch.


One enjoyable part of this juicing caper is you get to play with a pretty decent power tool.

That Breville Juicer I have could make juice out of Gum tree branches I reckon.

Now, If they would just bring out a Diesel powered version, There wouldn't be an obese, lazy guy in the world with a toy like that to play with in the kitchen!

Why juice an orange when you can juice the whole orange tree? :D

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Well done mate. Welcome to healthy living!

I have spent the past 15 yrs, since graduating Uni with a human science degree working with people in your situation.

My role is to educate and motivate them on successful weightless for life, not just short term results.

Juicing your fruit and veg is great way to increase your vitamin and mineral intake, however, may I suggest you still eat some of the foods some days. Some import nutrients are lost in the juicing process.

Also, now you are full of energy with all those awesome nutrients, I would suggest you consider exercise your next step. Start with simple movements such as push ups, squats and pull ups (use a fence or bar at waist height to ly under as a modified chin up). Aim to do the most you can in one go, 3 times a day 3 days a week. Try to increase each week by just 1 rep each week.

Assuming you eat a balanced diet, with plenty of quality protein and moderate levels of unrefined carbohydrates, you will lose lots of weight.

Exercise is important to increase your metabolic rate. Think of your muscles as an engine. Small muscle mass is like a little Toyota yaris, it doesn't use much fuel but if you keep filling it with more than it needs it will overflow (store the fat). If you increase your muscle mass it's like putting a DURAMAX in Your patrol, it will use more feel and require cause its a bigger motor !!

Feel free to shoot me some questions. I look forward to hearing more from you as you progress.

Keep up the good work.

Sent from my iPhone using the hunt and peck method of typing!

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Ive also juiced - Same as you, beetroots good - bloody red messy thou.

I like beetroot ( a lot ) but haven't tried Juicing it yet. The main reason is the cost. I see 3 plants in bunch in the veg shop for about 4 Bux and it seems like a LOT of money for what I perceive is only going to be maybe a 1/4 of a cup of Juice.

Maybe it seems a lot because I remember as a Kid my grandfather growing beetroot in the back garden and me sitting own with a bottle of Vinegar and the salt shaker and eating about a Kilo of it at a time.

My grandmother could never figure out how I never puked after the amount I used to eat but I never even came close.

I got a coconut yesterday But I'm going to put that with a banana and blend it into a smoothie! :D

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Also, now you are full of energy with all those awesome nutrients, I would suggest you consider exercise your next step. Start with simple movements such as push ups, squats and pull ups (use a fence or bar at waist height to ly under as a modified chin up). Aim to do the most you can in one go, 3 times a day 3 days a week. Try to increase each week by just 1 rep each week.

Mate, I don't need any exercise, I started cleaning up my back yard.

I'm not sure at what point I lost my mind but I reckon I have around 4 ton of scrap metal to load into the trailer and take away. I figure on about 2 -3 ton of general crap and rubbish to go to the tip.

Bending over picking it all up and loading it into the trailer has been giving my back not to mention the rest of me a plenty good work out just today.

I reckon by the time I'm finished I'll looks as different as the yard will and be proportionally lighter as well.

There is only so far I'm prepared to go on the health thing.

Yesterday I had to do a photoshoot for a friend of mine who is into Fitness and bodybuilding competitions.

Shes' about 4'6" Yes, a pixie and weighs 42 KG but strong as an OX.

After the shoot she took myself and some friends that helped her with her styling etc to a Vietnamese Restaurant. Here she is eating Boiled Broccoli or whatever the heck the plain stuff was and here are we hoeing into to these culinary delights while she sits there watching us.

She asked my mate who is her trainer/ dietician if she cold have a portion of a spring roll which she really loves. He said she could have 2 tablespoons worth of whatever she wanted.

We thought he was Joking, she was stoked he would let her have that much.

If I was not such a greedy, cold pig I may have been put off my meal watching her sitting there watching us but lucklily I have no such empathy for others so stuffed myself regardless.

She has a comp in 4 weeks she's looking forward to. My mate has promised her after the comp she can go out and have a meal of all the sushi she wants. Then it's back to training.

I said to my friend That photographing her had made me feel guilty for being such a fat, lazy slob but seeing the price she paid at dinner alone was enough to make me realise, I really did make the right choice afterall and there is nothing to regret! :P

How the hell she has the willpower to train and eat like she does has me buggered.

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Work with some people going to a comp (sculpting, not weights) within the next two weeks. They are eating 1kg of kangaroo mince a day.

After the comp, they will have 1 pizza. If they make it to the next level, two weeks later, the diet continues.

And it's all for looks! Not even to be able to do hard work.


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I had to photograph a top ranked bodybuilder some years back. He passed away not so long ago of health complications in his early 30's.

The guy was a gorilla, literally.

We were walking across a park and he was carrying a mid size esky. Going up a small Hill/ rise, he was puffing and blowing and asked the trainer if he could carry his esky for him. I laughed thinking it was a joke then got the look from the trainer. The guy was stuffed. When we got to where we were talking the pics he had a rest from the 200M walk and then started posing. after a short time he was spent and the trainer called a halt to the shoot.

The guy sat down and started on his glug in a bottle and regained the strength to walk back to the car.. with a couple of rest stops.

He looked like a million bucks ( Bodybuilder wise) and went on to win Mr Australia and some international titles and I believe was strong as an ox but his lack of stamina was disturbing. The trainer explained it as having the strength to pull a tree out of the ground but not enough endurance to mow the lawn.

I was very sorry to hear he died especially so young as the little I had to do with him he seemed a bloody nice guy. I also admired his commitment and will power even if I didn't have a clue why.

At the time I shot him it didn't seem to me like a healthy way to live and I wondered about the toll it would take in his seniour years. I never imagined he wouldn't have any.

As for looking good, that seems to be very subjective. I haven't met a woman yet that thinks these muscle bound types are remotely attractive. I am sure there are some but over all I think a joe average like me would have a better chance. I think women would at least be in less fear I'd kill them in bed, even if it was just from the muscle bound guy rolling over in his sleep and crushing them to death.

When it comes right down to it though I wonder how beneficial going out of your way to be healthy is. I have no doubt if you are 200Kg you won't be expected to live to 90 but for those not so perfect, I wonder if things arent different?

I remember shortly before my wedding my father in law came to Visit one saturday Morning which was unusual. He was also in an unusually happy and cheeky mood for the normaly fairly serious man he was. I asked him what he was so chipper about and he told me he had just come from the doctors. He said he was as healthy as he could be. his weight was good, his cholesterol was low, his blood work was perfect and there was nothing the doctor could say needed improving.

The next thing he said was " It didn't mean he couldn't get sick but there was nothing he could do to make himself healthier."

Those words still haunt me.

12 months later after loosing an undignified battle with Lymphoma, he was dead.

With all the crap in food, the water and the fallout from all sorts of things from the factory down the street to Nuclear power plant disasters, I wonder just what we are breathing every day that is undoing all the good we might try to do by going out of our modern lifestyle way to stay as healthy as the medicos say we should be?

Like I say, I don't think it's a good idea to let yourself go to the pack but I have seen a few people now a lot fitter than I am die of different things well before their time.

I avoid certain things that blind freddy can see aren't good but as for getting too fussed about white or brown rice or bread or being 90 kg or 100, I think I'll enjoy life a bit and make the most of whatever I have before whatever it is takes me.

Family history shows the likleyhood of that being Cancer or a car accident, neither of which I can do much about so why worry about being perfectly fit and missing out on what one has to forego to achieve that?

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Congrats Glort. I am happy for you and also relieved. I saw the title and thought you had wasted your $$$ on a poxy bloody Land Rover.

I did martial arts for many years and understand what you mean about some of the mass builders having no stamina.......Sometimes to a sad level.

That level of "fitness" is , to me, like a Pro-Stock drag car. Awesome for 400m, but then its spent.

The other side of the coin is a person like me that thought that I was invincible but now suffers the effects of bad training techniques (mainly over-training).

It sounds like you have found the perfect midway point. Bugger all exercise, yard work and a bit of relaxation. An old mate of mine likes to take his grand kids for a walk, they walk for miles. He has built up over a few years and now has enough grand kids, that when he wears one out, he walks it home and gets another. Last I heard, he was up to about 15km per day.

Got some grand kids?

Edited by Bogmeister
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Congrats Glort. I am happy for you and also relieved. I saw the title and thought you had wasted your $$$ on a poxy bloody Land Rover.


I can tell you, I have been tempted over the years because the things go so damn cheap ( disco's). But then I think why they are cheap and the stories a mate recounts when he used to sell the things. Not Good but Very expensive.

I did martial arts for many years and understand what you mean about some of the mass builders having no stamina.......Sometimes to a sad level.

That level of "fitness" is , to me, like a Pro-Stock drag car. Awesome for 400m, but then its spent.

At least a pro stocker can idle back to the pits if need be.

It sounds like you have found the perfect midway point. Bugger all exercise, yard work and a bit of relaxation. An old mate of mine likes to take his grand kids for a walk, they walk for miles. He has built up over a few years and now has enough grand kids, that when he wears one out, he walks it home and gets another. Last I heard, he was up to about 15km per day.

Got some grand kids?

Ohhh no!

No grandkids!!!.

My daughter is about to turn 16 and has been spending far too much time with some oversexed little walking , talking pile of hormones that I am NOT happy about. My wife says he is a nice boy, I know what ALL boys are like. :angry: :angry: :angry:

She asked the other day when he could meet me. My son said if he's smart, he'll stay well away.

I do take the dog for a walk at times. I can walk fairly well, always have been able to. Sometimes I wear the dog out which tells me she needs the exercise more than I do!

She also spends more time on the lounge than I do and I'm constantly chasing her off my bed.

As for walking 15KM, well I could if I had to but I have other ideas of what I would prefer to do for fun and even exercise.

I spend a LOT of time in Swimming pools these days, like 7-8 hours a day so I dare say that hasn't hurt burning a few excess calories either. :)

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