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Ya! :huh:

With absoloutley no apologies to the politicaly correct, The stupiditiy of Americans, particularly the black Americans never ceases to amaze me with their complete and utter lack of brains and intelligence.

My daughter walked in as I was reading the linked article and said " What the hell? That's disgusting" Which indeed it is.

Honestly, these people are missing a chromosone or 2 the way they act.

It seems the more neanderthal they carry on, the more their culture holds them in esteem.

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Ya! :huh:

With absoloutley no apologies to the politicaly correct, The stupiditiy of Americans, particularly the black Americans never ceases to amaze me with their complete and utter lack of brains and intelligence.

My daughter walked in as I was reading the linked article and said " What the hell? That's disgusting" Which indeed it is.

Honestly, these people are missing a chromosone or 2 the way they act.

It seems the more neanderthal they carry on, the more their culture holds them in esteem.

Whilst I do hold a very special distaste for the whole concept of vanity driven cosmetic surgery and the example in the story is really quite sad, I think you'll find WAAAAAY more white women getting WAAAY more unnecessary vanity driven cosmetic surgery than black Americans getting butt implants.

I've seen WAAAY more dopey, rich spoilt white birds (and blokes sadly enough!) than black women. Equality is very important and in this issue both black and white women (predominantly) are equally vain and stupid.

Equality in the USA at last!!

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Whilst I do hold a very special distaste for the whole concept of vanity driven cosmetic surgery and the example in the story is really quite sad, I think you'll find WAAAAAY more white women getting WAAAY more unnecessary vanity driven cosmetic surgery than black Americans getting butt implants.

I've seen WAAAY more dopey, rich spoilt white birds (and blokes sadly enough!) than black women. Equality is very important and in this issue both black and white women (predominantly) are equally vain and stupid.

Equality in the USA at last!!

Yeah, you're probably right but I guess it depends on what your talking about.

There are the idiot white women that have so much surgery they look like cats or just straight out freaks but that's different to boob jobs, tummy tucks and other surgery which I'm sure they are the main patients for.

I don't know any other group of women however that think having enormous arses is desirable or any other group of people that would go out of their way to exaggerate them so much. And from what I can tell the reason they do this is so they can shake them at guys or anyone with a camera like some sort of neanderthal mating ritual.

To me it's not so much the actual thing they do, it's the stupid, nonsensical mentality they seem to have that makes looking like a moron more revered than looking like an intelligent and cultured human being. I mean some of them have corrupted the english lanuage to a point that it has become another lanuage all on its own and is completely incomprehensible to anyone that speaks any " regular" english in any way.

I guess what gets me is so many of these black people have made absoloute " Bogan" into style to be held in some sort of esteem."uji

To me it's just plain Dumb and neanderthal.

They would do a lot better aspiring to the likes of their President or former secratary of state that are black and hold some of the most important jobs in the world than shaking their artificially fat arses like cave women.

Anyway, that's all probably coming out wrong but I know what I mean even if no one else does.

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When I see something like that, The first thing I think is where the hell they get clothes to fit a deformity like that??

My kids godmother has a medical problem that gives her huge thighs and an extremely wide back side.

She must nearly cry when she sees people doing this to themselves deliberately because I know she has cried enough over the way she is which there is nothing she or anyone else can do to give her a normal size arse.

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